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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

mari KAYAK-ing!

x penah-penah dalam idup ni berkayak, tiba-tiba semalam ter-bekayak...haha...sangat seronok...walaupun sebelum main tu rasa takut gila coz x reti berenang plus x penah berkayak....thanx to abg  SHAZ SHARRIZ coz jd TOK GURU yg sgt sporting and baik...berjaya gak conquer tasik MARYAM tu ngan kak WANA...and also to RASHIQ sebab sudi turun berkayak ngan kitorang...and last but the most important to HASAN sebab jadi PROGRAM MANAGER and belanja...walaupun kita dah tak satu group, korang still sporting and best...sayang korg la...

 budak baru belajar...
nak kayak purple!

lumba ber-kayak....alamak, salah arah!haha
the TEAM~
really enjoy the evening with you guys...

to all other people 'JOM BERKAYAK!' jangan tengok je...jom join sekali!let's bersukan u'll~

Sunday, January 16, 2011


yuuuhhuuuuuuu!setelah berhabuk and banyak sarang labah-labah, singgah jap kat blog nie nk wat 'cleaning process'...hee...nak cite ape dulu ek....aaaa...semalam g BROGA ngn TIRAH, UCOP, SALWAN and SUHAIL....sgt seronok...bangun-bangun pagi, ucop jadi mangsa kena marah...haha...sapa suruh die call before alarm bunyi...(jahatnye aku nie)....soe ea ucop...x sengaja...kul 3 pg bgn n stat tggu bdk2 ADVENTURE CLUB...n the journey 2 broga start!

kul 3 pagi...tunggu budak-budak ADVENTURE CLUB...
BROGA here we come!

 dah berjaya!BROGA dah ditawan!

 hepi couple...


 the LADIES~

lawakan tempat nie....
worth the energy and money and time too..

makan di EKANO....steamboat @ PULAU KETAM...

kenapa ntah main game nie??
singgah jap on the way gi IKEA...

 aiskrim IKEA yang sedap!

hari yang seronok di habis kan bersama mereka yang best...it really was a sweat escape!

kalo nak tengok details tekan link bwh nie ea....
jurnal from tirah~

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

BUSY...x sempat nk update blog...byk benda nk d coret kn...tp kne tggu lme skit(kot)...bil broadband pn x byr lg...haha...kne la on9 kat comp lab...pas stat sem br byk sgt join prog....group binding ngn PC taaruf...nk study pn x tstudy...soe mommy...i'll start mengaji blk, ok??ade byk sgt cite, dr vacation kat bandung, taaruf n mcm2 la....wait for the update k??